first of all, cell phones can be so unreliable sometimes.
second, i'm glad i "stopped" drinkin recently. "stopped" cuz i still drink wine, but the days of completely ragin at parties is done for me. i realize now that it's way more fun to be sober at parties cuz the drunkards are hilarious to watch. between the fallin down steps & broken slurry sentences, wobbly walks down sunset, & bitin boys on the roof i have pains behind my ears from laughin so hard. thank god for my friends & vodka, tequila, wine, & every thing else they had for free behind the bar.
today is rather silent, as it should be. while i long to be loungin at hotel steuben my teleportation device is still only in theory, so i'll lounge on the couch for a spell & contemplate a million beautiful thoughts.
it's been a very interestin week: record deals, blowouts, orange "welcome home" balloons, super-sized fortune cookies, mid-day cocktails with pookie & matty j (the best partner ever), parties on the roof, eatin candy off the ground, spongebob's head, spills, & 4am nightcaps at fred's...
"we're so l.a...."
yeah, maybe you're right.
and 2day's soundtrack is idle noise on the tube.