busy is an understatement .

i barely have time
idle wits to sit
blog .
i almost destroyed this entire "movement" just the other day
who cares what i have to say anyway , yeah ?
hmm . . .
right now my mind is so occupied with my career
everything else has seemed to fall by the wayside .
i generally have that problem : everything is lovely , then i return to my busy reality , & begin to hide behind my work .
i'm still young , so there shouldn't be anything to apologize for .
music right now is my #1 mainly because it is changin my life for the better .
my financial status is changin because of it
will that also effect my sanity & happiness ?
what am i even sayin right now ?
it's barely 2pm & i've already had a full glass of champagne .
i have lots to celebrate today , as well as lots to accomplish . maybe i should put this "pen" to rest for a moment & emerge myself in the studio experience .
argh .
if u return to this page later
it has mysteriously disappeared
just um . . .
well .
nevermind .