home again .

D C . cut-off shorts , pirate boots , cropped leather jacket . . . busboys . . . spending the day with my best boy early . . . packed show , fun set , muhsinah , foreign exchange , & the lovely mec j zilla . . . shots of jack daniels . tons of amazing J*DaVeYBabies . . . "are they strippers or are they strippers ?" . . . afterparty at darrell's . . . sleep at 5am , bolt bus at 730am . . . barely making it . . . N Y C . george , kristy , & jasi . . . tasty brunch . . . connecting with my beloved godson , elijah . . . hilarity ! . . . hour nap . . . shower , shave , dress to impress . . . sound check . . . dinner at mekong with zo-zo , sade , ayesha , lysa c , & the brit . . . downtime , tea , chocolate pudding , & ice packs for her swollen face . . . lovely 4 block hand-in-hand skip like dorks to webster hall . . . more jack daniels . . . she gives me a lapdance & the room drools . . . tons of random ppl including the ex-boyfriend & his sloppy friend . . . amanda diva rocks . . . a hot boy with a crazy birth name & his friend , daddy . . . fun late night party set . . . not realizing the "spring forward" time change . . . she says "lets go home & have a 3some" out loud . . . kicking the boy out of the "3some" . . . the creepiest movie ever made . . . finally asleep by 630am . . . barely making it out of the circular bed . . . the longest butt numbing car ride to BOSTON . no time to rest . . . shower , shave , dress , shovel food , venue . . . low attendance , but beautifully intimate set . . . back to the hotel by midnight . . . 430am lobby call for 7am flight . . . staying up till lobby call . . . first flight out on virgin america . . . being called a witch cuz of my new hat . . . cracking jokes with the boys . . . finally back in LA . just waking up . . . wtf am i supposed to do now ?

chicago & atlanta , ur up next . . .