
a lot has changed since the last time i truly considered this place to be a safe space. namely, I've changed. as a woman, as a lover, as an artist. somewhere along the way i became too scared to share. maybe because oversharing became so normal, so gratuitous. literally everyone started oversharing and it just didn't feel the same to me. it was no longer my private joy, my emotional outlet; it started to feel empty, homogenous. literally everyone was oversharing and somehow my misplaced ownership of something that should be celebrated convinced me to push my seat back from the table & withdraw my voice from the conversation. ego is an undying paramour. it's hard to be back here. i've thought about coming back so many times before...my draft folder reads like a car crash in slow motion, just cringy. so much has happened & i am not even sure how to begin but the first step to getting started is always the hardest to take. consider this my way of pulling my seat back up to the table.